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Provide a background update of scripted fields#41

We used a scripted field to automatically reformat a text label representing a version to a number so that we can easily search it and query for tickets matching a version number > or < a given version.

However this approach does not work in Jira Cloud because scripted fields are actually evaluated when a user press the button to view them.

We would really appreciate an automatic background refresh of scripted fields so that they can be effectively used in JQL

3 years ago

Same here. Scripted fields are not very useful if there is no way to process the script somehow to make the JQL research accurate.

a year ago

Same for me. Having no scripted fields is bad, but having outdated scripted fields is worse.
We have to rely on the dashboards and reports and this is not possible if the scripted values are just updated “on view”.
On jira server the “reindex all” task was perfect. We used it always after changing the logic of the code in the scripted fields and from time to time before important reports, to be really sure we get the right data.
So please implement a feature like “reindex all”, maybe call it “recalculate all scripted fields” or “recalculate this scripted field”. Ideally the scripted values will be updated without changing the “updated” datetime of the issues. I assume such a function will require some time to execute like the “reindex all” did - but this doen’t matter.
Even better it would be to get besides the “recalculate” button an option to automate this task, like a config setting “recalculate all scripted fields on every first day of the month”.
Realizing this would make script runner even greater on cloud!

a year ago

Yes otherwise the scripted fields are close to useless – this is from two customers so far (CVS - EMIL Frey)

7 months ago

ScriptRunner is indeed very important plugin for JIRA. It is surprise to see, capabilities are downgraded on Cloud rather Adaptvist would have come with excellent and far better feature than its server/DC plugin.
Our organization is also suffering because while firing JQL query, Scripts are not running in background to showcase the details in list view. What is the point of paying so much when ROI is NULL.

7 months ago

This problem is the latest road-block we have encountered as we try to ensure that moving from Jira Server to Jira Cloud will meet our needs.

For example, we use Better PDF Exporter to generate reports that contain data from 100s of tickets. When we migrate from Jira Server to Jira Cloud, all of our scripted fields will need to be re-created and re-calculated. Having to manually open each issue is not a via solution.

Another example - we have been developing Jira Cloud implementations of the Scripted Fields (because of differences between Server and Cloud) and discovered a bug. If we had already performed our migration, and had painstakenly manually opened each issue to “re-calculate it” and then discovered our bug, we would have to do this manual opening of each issue a second time.

Another example - suppose I want to add a new Scripted Field because we want to improve some aspect of our workflow/processes. Again, this would require us to manually open up each of the tickets in order to re-calculate them.

Another example - suppose I want to modify an existing Scripted Field (e.g. after implementing a new one, my boss changes their mind about what matters) and I need to modify it. Yet again, I will have to manually open 100’s of tickets to update them.

This road-block is surprising and disappointing. While I appreciate that Atlassian may have made implementing something like this difficult/annoying for the 3rd party developers in the Cloud, it is a fundamental feature that is necessary. Without it, we cannot move to Jira Cloud.

6 months ago

UPDATE: The ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud team is currently working on developing an enhancement for Scripted Fields that will automatically synchronize data in the background each time an issue is updated. At the moment, the only way to view the latest value of a scripted field, is to open the issue directly. We’re committed to improving this limitation and will keep you updated on our progress.

6 months ago

That is a great news for us.

6 months ago

Is there an update about the timeline of when this amazing and important update will be deployed?

5 months ago
Changed the status to
In Progress
3 months ago