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Abilitiy to backup / export ScriptRunner data / config and import it#144


It would be great if ScriptRunner data (scripts, event listeners, enhanced JQL searches) could be backuped / exported and also imported.

A lot of companies require backup and restore policies these days, and this would greaty reduce the complexity of Jira Cloud backup and restore.

Even better would be if this data was included in Jira Cloud’s backup, but I understand this is out of your control

2 years ago

I did a recent backup restore test, and another app, Smart Checklist, automatically syncs data to your site when you install the app if it already contains data matching that site’s URL.

Perhaps ScriptRunner could do the same?

2 years ago

Ability to backup instance (include third party app) is mandatory. Specially for not a free app.

5 months ago

We operate in a heavily version-controlled mindset. Explaning to QA managers that many systems cannot be baselined even if just manually by exporting a JSON (also for comparing changes) is not always easy.
As we use many listeners and field scripts,. this feature woudl really benefit us.

2 months ago

All Enterprise need to backup her data it is the most basic security feature

a month ago