As an admin,
I would like to use behaviours on transition screens,
So that my users are prompted for the right info upon moving to a new workflow step
Please Support Behaviours on View Screens too.
Please add this feature, it’s too sad to have Behaviors only on create screen 😕
Hi Folks! Wanted to give you an update on this: Atlassian will be working on Transition View after they support the Issue View. As soon as they release it, we will support it in Behaviours. Thanks!
Hello - do you have an update on when this will be available?
We really need this.
Hi everyone! Atlassian is currently working on adding support for Transition View into their UI Modifications API. As soon as this is completed, we’ll swiftly release support for Behaviours on Transition View. Stay tuned and watch out for the release announcement through the usual channels.
Thanks for info Acuzuioc!
Is there an ETA when this modification will be completed?
Unfortunately we don’t have an ETA at this time, but I’ll get back with an update as soon as we know more.
This feature is crucial for us. Is there an update on the ETA for this?
We have an integration with a lot of fields that are required on specific transitions. This feature would help us immensely to make the transition screen more user-friendly.
I´d would be great to have the conditional fields from Behaviours also on workflow screens.
Because certain categorizations cannot be done while creating the issue, but only during the workflow and if you want to make a field mandatory then it has to be on a workflow screen.
Example: Having a YES or NO field on a workflow screen and only if NO is choosen, a text field appears, where one has to add a mandatory text on why they have choosen NO as a response.
Were you able to find a solution for this behavior situation please?
Update: You can now control field behaviour at any point in an issue’s lifecycle, on Create View, Issue View, and now, on Transition View too.
Check all supported fields on Transition View here: