As a ScriptRunner Admin,
I would like to use behaviours in JSM,
So that it’s easy for my users/customers to provide all information needed
Pleaes comment with detailed use cases (or the impact of not supporting this) - they are very helpful!
We have a mix of JSM and JWM projects designed to work together, searching and linking issues in each other.
Having behaviours also in JSM allows to streamline the alignment of custom fields between interconnected projects.
As a starting point it would be enough to have the behaviour working in standard Jira web UI, and then if possible or needed extended to the Help portal too.
I have a specific use case where users submit issues in a service project and for a specific request type the Change Type field is set to a default value so I want to hide that field using Behaviours. I have the field marked as hidden in the request type form but since users submit issues in JSM instead of the portal the field is not hidden. I can’t use a Behaviour to hide the Change Type field because it is a service project field (as is Request Type which would be used in the if statement).
Hello all who voted for this capability! A short update on the status:
We’ve been working closely with Atlassian expressing how important it is that Behaviours works on your JSM projects. They understand and have added it to the UIM roadmap (Behaviours is dependent on that API)
This is great news!
FYI support for Issue View and transition screens will come first.
A question to you all: is anyone blocked from moving to Cloud because JSM is not yet supported in Behaviours? Please reply if so
We are using behaviours in many of our JSM project on Jira preem and this is a quite critical feature for us.
I sure hope this will be implemented in cloud for JSM so we can have the same funtionality after migrated.
Hey guys, we are blocked from going to Cloud because of this. Do you guys have an ETA for this or an EAP?
We would really like to use this to, we need it for our migration to the Jira service portal.
Use case:
Need to adjust fields in JSM form based on user grouping. user grouping logic is based off whether user has signed confidentiality agreement or not. I am able to do field visibility on Jira software create screen, but this is essential for JSM forms as well.
I have a use case where I want to hide fields from a JSM project screen depending on other field values. Behaviours would do this very simply if they worked with JSM projects.
We’re also presently blocked due to this limitation. The majority of our organization leverages JSM on-prem at the moment, and we rely heavily on Scriptrunner behaviours to drive a concise and intuitive user experience, especially on the Help portal. As it stands, it appears we will have to implement field behaviours “manually” by injecting Javascript on the portal.
It goes without saying, my team and I are highly enthusiastic about this change, and more than willing to help in testing/development in any way we can.
Hello folks! Thank you all for your patience on getting support for Behaviours in JSM. Support for this will be rolled out iteratively like always in Atlassian’s UIM and then in Behaviours immediately following. We’re particularly interested in which system fields or custom field types you have in your most important use cases so we can get you those fastest. Please comment with your use cases - the more specific, the better. Thanks!
Do you have an estimated timeline for the rollout?
Here’s some of the items our team mostly use:
System Fields:
Custom Fields
Use Cases:
I hope this helps and hopefully this will be rolled out real soon!
Thank you!
System Fields:
Custom Fields:
Date Fields
Text Field
Use Case:
Trying to pre-populate subject and descriptions with dates, names, etc and replace tags. For example use someones name and date in the subject like of a ticket like “Joe will be joining the company on 07/09/2024” replacing “<name> will be joining the company on <date>“
Hi @Jpatterson - Any new updates?
Great that the behaviours are also now supported for the transition view!
Now if we get the same functionality for Behaviours, which is now available for Jira, also for JSM then it would be perfect :-)
Do you have JSM on the roadmap when it comes to Behaviours?